Why we love it?
- Scented with pure essential oils
- Packed with mineral-rich botancials
- Formulated with skin-nourishing butters
- Enriched with Probiotics and Magnesium
More Info
- 100% Natural
- Handmade in small batches
- Fragrance Free
- Never synthetic preservatives or dyes
Coco Mint Deodorant | Probiotic & Neem
Finding the "perfect" natural deodorant is hard for most. Reading ingredient after ingredient seeing all are the same. Finding baking soda or salt as a top ingredient making you afraid to search further. Our blend uses Probiotics and Neem Oil which is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial. Its high in vitamin e making it gentle on skin without the irritation. Using arrowroot, zinc, and diatomaceous earth to absorb moisture without clogging the pores blocking the lymph nodes. Living happy and healthy in your body.